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House Church Central at Four Months

by Herb Drake

House Church Central went on the net at the at the end of January, 1997, a much smaller presence than it has today. It has exceeded its hopes in some areas and fallen short in others--and I thought it would be a good idea to back up and take stock of the situation after four months on-line.


The first pages on the site were the "House Church Theology" pages. These are close to my heart, as theology was a major objective of building the site in the first place. I have an opportunity to communicate with with Christians from a number of backgrounds and been amazed a how poorly Christian theology is understood. What passes for theology on some of the "Christian" radio stations and many "Christian" books serves only to make matters worse. Even the seminaries are of little help, requiring pastor candidates to take as few as two courses in the subject--and those almost always a lifeless "systematic theology" that attempts to force the relational character of God into an array of philosophical concepts and to then to go on and talk about God's "attributes." But it was the independent house church that especially concerned me, as these have virtually no access to good theology at all, and (just like those house churches to whom all the New Testament Epistles were written) are very vulnerable to theological error. So the "House Church Theology" pages were the first to be written, an attempt being made to make them reasonably easy to read. Web statistics show moderate interest, at least in the first doctrine, with diminished interest as one goes down the list.

The Forum

The Forum format is somewhat odd, as it is not a news group or email subscription list (there already is such a group and it is well used--see the "Links" page). Such approaches are effective, but take a considerable time to maintain. The forum here is completely automatic, and when I want to post something I go through the exact same procedure as anyone else. But I would have to rank the Forum section as a disappointment. I had expected it to become a place where controversial issues would form "threads" to which various people, including myself, might post differing views. But none of this has turned up--perhaps that sort of discussion is better in the news group or subscription format.

Nevertheless, the Forum page is among the most visited! So it appears that it is taking on a kind of "bulletin board" character where people can post miscellaneous announcements, search for a house church, and the like. So the Forum will stay if even though it has not served its expected function.

The Search Engine

Few have taken the time to examine just how big the HCC site actually is. At the present time it has about 3 MB of text and graphics. If it were a book (rather, a shelf of books) it would demand subject and scripture indexes. So I installed a search engine and have been careful to use uniform scripture abbreviations so that it would be effective and easy to use. It would have to rank as a disappointment, as it is accessed only about once a day.


Certainly a major disappointment is the fact that so few who have taken the time to fill out the survey on the "Survey" page. The intent of the survey is to provide feedback that would allow me to continue to develop the site in a manner that would respond best to needs. It has been on the site for over a month and only about a dozen responses have been logged.

The Vernard Eller Collection

An early priority for House Church Central was that it not simply be an outlet for my own writings. I have written several experts in house church theology and house church practice in the hope that I could convince them to make a contribution, and was delighted when Prof. Eller responded with a large number of his books and articles. I had heard Dr. Eller at a four-day lecture series at seminary, and words cannot express my delight in his willingness to participate. The Vernard Eller Collection has grown to include quite a number of his books, all of his contributions to The Christian Century, and several smaller articles. The most important contributions are yet to come--his major work on Kierkegaard and a new work not published elsewhere that is titled, Could the Church Have It All Wrong? The former is awaiting permissions from the current copyright holder, and the latter is very nearly ready to put on the web (watch for it!).

I am still hopeful that other authors of the calibre of Prof. Eller will make contributions to the site.


I had made some meager efforts to determine whether there were already house church sites on the Internet before starting HCC. In searching the usual Internet engines, I found none--either by searching key words or by working through the hierarchical subject lists. Once HCC was active, however, I began to hear from people who knew about other sites. Who knows why the house church movement is so much ignored on the biggest "Christian" index lists? In any case, it quickly became evident that HCC needed to join forces with all the other resources in a system of cross links so that should an "outsider" happen to come across any one of them that he or she might be able to find all the others. So I added a special "Links" page and have a very liberal policy to include other house church sites on request. It is my hope that others will reciprocate, however I must say that this has been far too slow a process.

February 1997n/an/a
March 19974416796
April 1997105642657
May 1997119442435
Web statistics have been available only starting with the month of March. The domain report shows interest from all parts of the world, and gives me some feedback on the most popular pages and directories. My own thesis on the book of Romans has been surprisingly popular, and I am very gratified by that. I am also delighted to see that so many have discovered the Vernard Eller Collection. Some statistics for the past three months are shown at the right.

Top Twenty List

Here are the top twenty pages accessed for the Month of May.
  1. The "Top" HCC page
  2. The Forum page
  3. The Eller Collection (top page)
  4. The Resource page
  5. The Links page
  6. The House Church Theology page
  7. The Magazine (top page)
  8. The "So You Have a House Church?" introduction page
  9. Eller's The Most Revealing Book of the Bible
  10. The Doctrone of Baptism
  11. The Survey (many visit, but few submit!)
  12. The Doctrine of Church
  13. Editorial: Should a House Church have a Name?
  14. The Doctrine of Election
  15. The Search Engine
  16. Editorial: "What New Paradigm?
  17. The Doctrine of the Simple Life
  18. Drake: The Book of Romans--a House Church Manafesto (top page)
  19. The Doctrines of Creation, Providence, Prayer, Miracles, and Eschatology
  20. About House Church Central


Many thanks for the many who have taken the time to visit the site. Thanks are also due to West Coast Online, our host ISP, which has been very reliable and professional. And thanks as well, of course, to Vernard Eller and others who have contributed material or who have sent me encouraging e-mail.

Herb Drake
House Church Central

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