Footnotes, Chapter 8a
Kierkegaard and Radical Discipleship: A New Perspective (Eller)
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In Dru’s and in Rohde’s selections from Kierkegaard’s journals, the number identifies an entry rather than a page; the date following is that of the particular entry.
1. Works of Love, 84.
2. Smith Journals, 11:2:A:113 (1854).
3. "Lifted Up On High ..." (Part III, Reflection 7) in Training in Christianity, 218.
4. Quoted in Brumbaugh, op.cit., 243-45.
5. Mack Senior, Rights and Ordinances, in Durnbaugh, Origins, 367-68.
6. John Price (d. ca.1722), Geistliche und Andachtige Lieder [bound as an appendix to Der Wunderbahre Bussfertige Beichvatte] (Germantown: Sauer Press, 1753), Hymn I, Stanzas 4, 6.
7. Michael Frantz, op.cit., Stanzas 170, 280-81, 315.
8. Sauer Junior (presumably), "Eines Pilgers Gedanken vom Rechten," in Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Calendar for 1767 (German-town: Sauer Press, 1767), 19-20 [my trans.--V.E.].
9. Mack Junior, a poem "God Alone is Good," in Heckman, op.cit., 52-53, stanzas 5-6 (trans. amended--V.E.]
10. Jacob Stoll, op.cit., 189 [my trans.--V.E.]; cf., 107.
11. Discourse III on "What Is To Be Learnt from the Lilies ..." in The Gospel of Suffering, 227.
12. Point of View, 82.
13. Note, for example, the place given to S.K. in Geddes MacGregor's plea for Christian humanism, The Hemlock and the Cross (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963).
14. Walter Lowrie, in the translator's Appendix to S.K.'s Repetition, 208-9.
15. This Pauline concept is found in 1 Cor. 7:29-31: "I mean, brothers and sisters, the appointed time has grown short; from now on, let even those who have wives be as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no possessions, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away."
16. Point of View, 87.
17. "He Is Believed On in the World" (Part III, Discourse 7) in Christian Discourses, 245-46.
18. "Courage Enables the Sufferer To Overcome the World ..." (Discourse VII) in The Gospel of Suffering, 157. Cf. Discourse II on "What Is To Be Learnt from the Lilies" in The Gospel of Suffering, 212.
19. Point of View, 31ff., 39ff.
20. Ibid., 96.
21. Smith Journals, 11:1:A:55 (1854).
22. Dru Journals, 1288 1853).
23. Either/Or, 1:147.
24. Training in Christianity, 113-14.
25. Works of Love, 70.
26. 26 Ibid, 127.
27. Rohde Journals, 232 (1849).
28. Works of Love, 63.
29. Ibid., 243.
30. "To Win One's Soul in Patience" (Discourse IV) in Edifying Discourses, 1:76. Cf. Smith Journals, 11:1:A:16 (1854).
31. Dru Journals, 614 (1846).
32. Discourse III on "What Is To Be Learnt from the Lilies ... " in The Gospel of Suffering, 228-33.
33. Works of Love, 137.
34. Dru Journals, 1155 (1850).
35. "Lifted Up On High ..." (Part III, Discourse 3) in Training in Christianity, 169-70.
36. Works of Love, 62.
37. Ibid., 124.
38. H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture, 65.
39. We are compelled to recognize that at the very close of S.K.'s life, at scattered points in his private journals and in the periodicals that constitute the Attack, there appears a new note, or rather the hint of a new and frightening note. This material is not at all typical of, or even reconcilable with, the rest of his thought, but here appear signs of misanthropy, asceticism, and a masochistic desire for suffering. These notices appear so late and are so few that it is impossible to say what they signify, whether transitory lapses or the beginning of a tragic deterioration. In either case they hardly can be taken into account as part of the essential witness of Kierkegaard.
40. Stages of Life's Way, 169-70; Postscript, 366; and "Christ as Example ..." (Discourse II) in Judge For Yourselves!, 185.
42. "Christ as Example ..." (Discourse II) in Judging for Yourselves!,. 179. Cf. Smith Journals, 11:1:A:263 (1854).
43. "It Is the Spirit that Giveth Life" (Discourse III) in For Self Examination, 103-4.