Footnotes, Chapter 6a
Kierkegaard and Radical Discipleship: A New Perspective (Eller)
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In Dru’s and in Rohde’s selections from Kierkegaard’s journals, the number identifies an entry rather than a page; the date following is that of the particular entry.
1. Rohde Journals, 828 (1848).
2. Discourse III on "The Lilies of the Field" in The Gospel of Suffering, trans. David F. and Lillian Marvin Swenson (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1948), 228.
3. Postscript, 379.
4. Stages of Life's Way, 114.
5. "On the Occasion of a Wedding" (Discourse II) in Thoughts on Crucial Situations in Human Life, 68-69.
6. Dru Journals, 1051 (1850).
7. Attack upon "Christendom," 191.
8. Dru Journals, 1044 (1850). Cf. "Christ as Example (Discourse II) in Judge For Yourselves!, 200.
9. Rohde Journals, 201 (1849).
10. Postscript, 33.
11. Smith Journals, 11:1:A:237 (1854); cf. 11:2:A:380 (1854).
12. I have taken the liberty of amending Smith's translation so as to make a rhetorical question out of what he transcribes as a flat, negative assertion: "he does not have it in his power ...." Smith is true to the Danish edition of the Papirer, which does not have the question mark. But whether the mistake was S.K.'s or his editor's, the sense of the passage as much as demands that the question be what S.K. had in mind. [V.E.]
13. Smith Journals, 11:2:A:175 (1854).
14. Smith Journals, 11:1:A:436 (1854).
15. Papirer, 8:1:A:342 (1847), quoted in Dupre, op.cit., 110.
16. The second of "Two Notes an 'the Individual'" in Point of View, 135.
17. Of course by the time we get down to S.K. in the nineteenth century it is not unusual to find even "churchly" theologians advocating the free-will position. S.K.'s view, therefore, does in no sense prove him a sectary, although at the same time we shall see that he uses man's freedom in much the same existential way that the Brethren sectaries did.
18. Alexander Mack, Jr., Appendix to the Refuted Anabaptists [first published Ephrata, 1788), in a typescript translation by N. P. Springer (Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen, Ind., 1952), 3.
20. S.K. expressed this idea with the term "predicament," or "situation"; see "Christ as Example" (Discourse II) in Judge For Yourselves!, 200.
22. Mack Junior, a poem on suicide (c. 1770), in Heckman, op.cit., 136ff, stanzas 18, 20 [trans. amended-V.E.].
23. Jacob Stoll, Geistliches Gewurz-Gartlein (Ephrata, 1806), 135-36 [my trans.-VE].
24. Ibid., 363. The second stanza of this hymn appears in the German and in a modern translation as 428 in the current Brethren Hymnal. There it is attributed to Mack Senior. Although we have not been able to trace that attribution to its source, the likelihood seems to be that Stoll is the author of the lines.