The Simple Life, Endnotes

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1. Kierkegaard, The Gospel of Suffering, trans. by David and Lillian Swanson (Angsburg Publishing House), 123.

2. "The Letter to Diognetus," trans. by Gerald C. Walsh, In The Fathers of the Church, (Catholic University of America Press, 1962) 1:360-61."

3. "The Letter to Diognetus," trans. by Gerald C. Walsh, In The Fathers of the Church, (Catholic University of America Press, 1962) 1:362."

4. The place where I have done that is my earlier book, Kierkegaard and Radical Discipleship (Princeton University Press), 1968.

5. Minear and Morimoto, Kierkegaard and the Bible: An Index (Princeton Theological Seminary, 1953), 19.

6. Works of Love, trans. by Howard and Edna Hong (Harper Torchbooks, 1951), pp.296-97.

7. The Gospel of suffering, trans. by David and Lillian Swenson (Augsburg Publishing House. 1948), 178-83.

8. Ibid., 36-37.

9. Ibid., 188-97.

10. Ibid., 201-202.

11. Concluding Unscientific Postscript, trans. by David Swenson and Walter Lowrie (Princeton University Press, 1941), 350.

12. Ibid., 386.

13. Christian Discourses, trans. by "Walter Lowrie (Oxford University Press, 1940), 159.

14. Ibid., 331.

15. The Gospel of Suffering, 235.

16. The Last Years: Journals 1853-55, trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith (Harper & Row, 1965), 142-43.

17. Christian Discourses, 372.

18. The Gospel of Suffering, pp.225-36.

19. Christian Discourses, pp.85-88.

20. Ibid., 186-95.

21. Ibid., 335-344.

22. Ibid., 322-330.

23. Ibid., 185.

24. The Gospel of Suffering, 10-20.

25. Christian Discourses, 24.

26. Ibid., 18-21.

27. The Journals of Kierkegaard, trans. by Alexander Dru (Oxford University Press. 1938), entry 1124.

28. Ibid., entry #1113.

29. Christian Discourses, 57-58.

30. Ibid., 27-39.

31. Ibid., 75-79.

32. The Gospel of Suffering, 213-19.

33.For Se1f-Examination, trans. by Walter Lowrie (Princeton University Press, 1944), 192.